
Göbels Schlosshotel Prinz von Hessen

Schlossplatz 1, 36289 Friedewald

Distances: City 0,1 km  |  Main station 12 km  |  Airport 60 km

Room rates:

Room rate categrory : Room rate categrory


Conference offers:

Meeting offer

* Accommodation in comfortable castle rooms, including the breakfast buffet and unlimited stay in our swimming pool and sauna area
* Meeting room equipped with the required standard technique
* Morning coffee break with a daily changing inserts
* At noon, 3-course menu with two main courses to choose from or lunch buffet
* Afternoon coffee break with a daily changing inserts
* Unlimited drinks
* On the evening 3-course menu with two main courses to choose from or dinner buffet

Price per person per day EUR 171.00

Daily rate

* Meeting room equipped with the required standard technique
* Morning coffee break with a daily changing inserts
* At noon, 3-course menu with 2 main courses to choose from or lunch buffet
* Unlimited drinks
* Afternoon coffee break with a daily changing inserts
* In the evening 3-course menu with 2 main dishes to choose or dinner buffet

Price per person / day EUR 75.00
(without dinner EUR 49.00 per person. and day)


Please notice:
Die angegebenen Preise (auf Anfrage und nach Verfügbarkeit) können
sich zu bestimmten Zeiten (z.B. Messezeiten, Großveranstaltungen)
ändern. Änderungen bleiben vorbehalten.

   +49 221 71 66 44 0


10 Meeting rooms

Meeting up to 150 persons

Largest meeting room: 257 qm

Overall capacity: 725 sqm

92 Rooms

Room rates



