
Park Plaza Hotel Trier

Nikolaus-Koch-Platz 1, 54290 Trier

Distances: City 0,05 km  |  Main station 3 km  |  Airport 30 km

Room rates:

Room rate categrory : Room rate categrory


Conference offers:

“Business” offer

* Conference room with natural light and air-conditioning
* Screen, flipchart, pin board, and overhead projector
* Wireless LAN / LAN
* Ballpoint pen und writing pad per person
* Beverages in conference room: Unlimited large bottles of water
* Coffee bar: unlimited hot drinks (coffee, tea, etc.) in foyer
* Coffee break: constant selection of fruit in foyer
* Lunch: plate lunch in restaurant or hearty soup de jour in foyer

for € 29.00 per person and day
for € 24.50 per person and half day

“Business Pro” offer

* Conference room with natural light and air-conditioning
* Screen, flipchart, pin board, and overhead projector
* Wireless LAN / LAN
* Ballpoint pen und writing pad per person
* Beverages in conference room: Unlimited large bottles of water & apple juice
* Coffee bar: unlimited hot drinks (coffee, tea, etc.) in foyer
* Coffee break: 2 sweet or savory snacks and constant selection of fruit in foyer
* Lunch: 2-course meal in restaurant or snack table lunch in foyer

for € 39.00 per person and day
for € 34.50 per person and half day (one less snack)

“Business Exklusiv” offer

* Conference room with natural light and air-conditioning
* Screen, flipchart, pin board, and overhead projector
* Wireless LAN / LAN
* Ballpoint pen und writing pad per person
* Moderator's case
* Video projector
* Entertainment game console
* Beverages in conference foom: 4 cold drinks 0.2l p.p. (water, juice, soft drinks)
* Coffee bar: unlimited hot drinks (coffee, tea, etc.) in foyer
* Coffee break: 2 sweet or savory snacks and constant selection of fruit in foyer
* Lunch: 3-course meal or buffet in restaurant and a beverage 0.2l p.p. for lunch

for € 49.00 per person and day
for € 44.50 per person and half day

(with two cold beverages in conference room and one less snack)


Please notice:
Die angegebenen Preise (auf Anfrage und nach Verfügbarkeit) können
sich zu bestimmten Zeiten (z.B. Messezeiten, Großveranstaltungen)
ändern. Änderungen bleiben vorbehalten.

Park Plaza Hotel Trier - Factsheet-Hotelprospekt

   +49 221 71 66 44 0


8 Meeting rooms

Meeting up to 200 persons

Largest meeting room: 274 qm

Overall capacity: 700 sqm

150 Rooms

Room rates


