
Business & More Hamburg

Frohmestraße 110 - 114, 22459 Hamburg

Distances: City 6,5 km  |  Main station 6,5 km  |  Airport 3,5 km

Room rates:

Room rate categrory : Room rate categrory


Conference offers:

Economy – offer
* Providing a space corresponding to the number of persons
* Standard Conference equipment, overhead, flip chart, screen
* One soft drink per person
* A coffee break with coffee, tea and snack break
* Business Lunch in Brimborium -3 course menu-
EUR 49,00 per person

Business – offer
* Providing a space corresponding to the number of persons
* Pad and pen per participant
* Standard Conference equipment, overhead, flip chart, screen
* Beamer including Screen
* Unlimited water and apple juice
* Two coffee breaks with coffee, tea and snack break
* Business Lunch in Brimborium -3 course menu-
EUR 59,00 per person

Executive – offer
* Welcome coffee break
* Providing a space corresponding to the number of persons
* Pad and pen per participant
* Standard Conference equipment, overhead, flip chart, screen
* Beamer including Screen
* Unlimited water, apple juice and Energy drinks
* Two coffee breaks with coffee, tea and snack break
* Business Lunch in Brimborium -3 course menu-
EUR 69,00 per person


Please notice:
Die angegebenen Preise (auf Anfrage und nach Verfügbarkeit) können
sich zu bestimmten Zeiten (z.B. Messezeiten, Großveranstaltungen)
ändern. Änderungen bleiben vorbehalten.

   +49 221 71 66 44 0


9 Meeting rooms

Meeting up to 120 persons

Largest meeting room: 230 qm

Overall capacity: 614 sqm

39 Rooms

Room rates



